How to Access Saved Passwords in Chrome
Go to OSX Daily to read How to Access Saved Passwords in Chrome Many users choose to save login information and passwords into the Google Chrome browser’s built-in password manager. Sometimes you may need to manually access the passwords or login information that is stored within the password manager, so we’ll show you how you…
How to See Your Wifi Passwords on Mac and PC
Read full article: at LifeHacker The wifi password is a power both desired and feared: Everyone wants to know it, but forget it, and you’re toast. Why Microsoft and Apple make it difficult to find wifi passwords on Windows and Mac isn’t clear (this is valuable information, after all). But, rest assured, those passwords are…
How to Protect Your Student Laptop and Accounts From Hackers
Read full article: at LifeHacker Cyberattacks are a huge risk, and they’re on the rise. College students—especially those who are away from home, bringing their devices to class, or frequently connecting to public wifi—may be particularly vulnerable to hacks and cybercrime. Here’s how they can avoid becoming a victim of a cyberattack. Read more… Read…
How to Enable Mac's New Built-In Two-Factor Authenticator (and Why You Should)
Read full article: at LifeHacker In case you haven’t heard us preach about this issue before, you really should be using two-factor authentication for all your important accounts. An extra layer of added security, with a six-digit passcode that’s regenerated every 30 seconds, is essential for keeping your digital accounts safe and secure. But the……
How to Find and Delete All Your Old, Unused Accounts
Read full article: at LifeHacker We all have accounts we no longer use, but some apps and websites make deleting your profile a pain. In those cases, simply ignoring them is an easier option. However, unused accounts are a major security threat—all it takes is one successful data break or credential-stuffing attack to potentially compromise…
Forgot Apple Watch Passcode? Here’s How to Reset It
Go to OSX Daily to read Forgot Apple Watch Passcode? Here’s How to Reset It Did you manage to accidentally lose or forget your Apple Watch passcode? Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. You can get back full access to your Apple Watch by simply resetting it and you can do this…
How to Share Your Wifi Password From Any Device
Read full article: at LifeHacker Every time you have visitors to you home, they probably ask for the wifi password before anything else. You can go the route of the local coffee shop and take the wifi name and password up on the wall, or keep sharing these credentials manually until you have them memorized.…