How to Change the Undo Send Delay on Mac Mail

Go to OSX Daily to read How to Change the Undo Send Delay on Mac Mail

Mail icon for Mac

The Mail app for Mac has an ability to undo the sending of email in the latest versions, but the default setting for how long you have to retract an email is 10 seconds.

If you’d like to change the undo send delay in Mail for Mac, you can do so easily through the apps settings.

How to Change the Unsending Email Delay on Mac Mail

Ready to adjust how long you have to undo the sending of an email on the Mac? It’s easy:

  1. Open the Mail app on Mac if you haven’t done so already
  2. Pull down the “Mail” menu and choose “Settings”
  3. Go to the “Composing”…

Read more: How to Change the Undo Send Delay on Mac Mail