Category: Personal Requests

  • Get a Personal Update from Siri on iPhone, iPad, Mac

    Get a Personal Update from Siri on iPhone, iPad, Mac

    Go to OSX Daily to read Get a Personal Update from Siri on iPhone, iPad, Mac Siri has a neat largely unknown feature called Personal Update, that, when requested, will give you a summary of information from various apps that you may find useful. Specifically, Personal Update will give you the weather forecast for the…

  • How to Disable Personal Requests on HomePod

    How to Disable Personal Requests on HomePod

    Go to OSX Daily to read How to Disable Personal Requests on HomePod HomePod is capable of making phone calls, sending messages, creating reminders, and more when your iPhone is nearby. These are called personal requests and it’s a great feature to have. However, it does come at the cost of your privacy, and some…