How to Never Pay Full Price for an iPhone App Again
Read full article: at LifeHacker Most of the apps in Apple’s App Store are slowly moving away from asking you to pay upfront, opting to make their money either through ads or in-app purchases. But if you’re someone who prefers to buy an app rather than deal with micro-transactions, keeping track of prices can be…
How to Get Software and Security Updates on Your Old iPhone
Read full article: at LifeHacker If you’re still hanging on to a years-old iPhone and resisting the pressure to buy the latest, shiniest version, props to you. You’re probably experiencing slower performance and outdated features, among other things, but Apple is said to support iPhones with iOS upgrades for around seven years—long beyond a 1–2…
How to Set Up Rain and Snow Alerts on Your iPhone
Read full article: at LifeHacker Weather forecasts can be helpful for planning in advance, but knowing it’s about to rain right before it actually starts can save you the headache of getting literally caught in a storm. If you’ve updated to the latest version of iOS 15, you can now set up real-time precipitation notifications…
How to (Finally) Use SharePlay to Watch Videos Together on FaceTime
Read full article: at LifeHacker Apple’s SharePlay was one of the features that didn’t make it to the final iOS 15 release. But now, with iOS 15.1, it’s out for all iPhone and iPad users (macOS Monterey will receive the update later in the Fall). Read more… Read full article: at LifeHacker
How to Use Your iPhone As an Official ID
Read full article: at LifeHacker In this digital age, why do we still have physical IDs? I don’t need my credit card when I can use Apple Pay; I don’t need my MetroCard anymore with Express Transit; but still, I need to bring the whole wallet with me anywhere that requires a driver’s license. Luckily,…
How to Finally Translate (Almost) Any Text in iOS 15
Read full article: at LifeHacker As we near ever closer to iOS 15’s fall 2021 release, more and more features are being added to the beta builds. One of the latest additions is a new, system-level translation feature that can translate just about any text on your iPhone’s screen. Read more… Read full article: at…
How to Turn On the New 'Announce Notifications' on Your iPhone
Read full article: at LifeHacker One of the convenient new features that’s coming in iOS 15 (already available in public beta) is the ability to have Siri read out notifications from both Apple and third-party apps. Users have had the option to have Siri announce calls and texts for a while, but Announce Notifications lets…
How to Use Every New Feature in iOS 14.6
Read full article: at LifeHacker Apple’s iOS 14.6 and iPadOS 14.6 launched this week, adding several new features to iPhones and iPad devices including new voice controls, expanded tracking functions for AirTags, Family Sharing options for Apple card payments, and, of course, tons of bug fixes. Read more… Read full article: at LifeHacker
How to Automatically Set Your iPhone Screen Orientation for Every App in iOS 14.5
Read full article: at LifeHacker Apple has added a few helpful new Shortcut actions to iOS 14.5. We’ve previously talked about one, which lets you drop a new “Take Screenshots” action into any of your programmed Shortcuts. Joining it is a a new action for your device’s Orientation Lock, which allows you fine-tune when you…
How to Tell If You're Being Scammed By Fleeceware Apps
Read full article: at LifeHacker Fleeceware is one of the worst scams you can deal with on your device, because it has one, singular goal: extracting as much money from you as possible. It generally accomplishes this not by dropping malware on your device or otherwise forcing you to do something; instead, fleeceware hides in…